RaceFans site development

Logging In

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  • #513590

    Is anyone else having trouble finding where to log-in? There used to be a link to log-in prominent on the main landing page, but now I don’t seem to see it.

    Kieran Vella

    Yep, The login button has disappeared from the usual place. 🤷‍♂️


    Yeah I finally found the login here (because it asks for a login to post here) in the forum after 2 Days of having not found it.

    Where has that button gone? And why not offer it next to each article as an option ( next to putting in my email etc).


    It seems it’s a niche issue with not having the login button there though, if only a few of us have it @keithcollantine


    @hectoroftroy @kizza42 @bascb Thanks for the heads-up on this everyone. This wasn’t intentional, it was due to an incorrect settings change, and you should see it’s working again now. Apologies for the error.


    Thanks Keith!


    Can I add, my browser logs me out of the website after a few days. Can we extend this period? Doubt it’s a browser setting on my side, as other websites keep me logged in for longer. (Mobile + laptop). Annoying having to keep logging in to avoid the ads and answer the maths problem.

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